Bio-Design and Manufacturing & Biomaterials International Conference (BDMC2018)

42242We courteously invite you to participate in Bio-Design and Manufacturing & Biomaterials International Conference, which will be held in Hangzhou, China during August 26-28, 2018.
The conference is co-organized by the journal of Bio-Design and Manufacturing and BAMOS project.

Bio-Design and Manufacturing (BDM), launched in 2018 by Springer and Zhejiang University Press, reports new research, new technology and new applications in the field of biomanufacturing, especially 3D bioprinting. As an interdisciplinary field, this journal covers the following topics:
- Novel additive manufacturing mechatronic systems, in particular, 3D bioprinting platforms
- Biomaterials and formulation of novel “bioinks” for tissue-specific applications
- Engineering tissues and organs in vitro and in vivo
- Design and fabrication of organ-on-a-chip, disease models, bioreactors, and medical and diagnostic devices
- Design of therapeutic products, cellular products, and macromolecular products

For additional information, please visit the websites of Bio-Design and Manufacturing and the BDMC2018.


The first newsletter of BAMOS project is now available


Newsletter n1 BAMOS 1 1 001










Participation of BAMOS project in AM-Motion Project's Workshop


lisbonThe past 15th of November, BAMOS project participated in the event organized by AM Motion project in the context of the European Strategic Approach on Additive Manufacturing. 26 EU projects, from different fields, but with the common link of using Additive Manufacturing tecnologies, had the oportunity to find sinergies and potential future collaborations. Also, several expression of interest were shown, in the sesion of posters, towards BAMOS project. More than 150 attendees in such a succesful event in Lisbon.

Successful organization of the workshop of BAMOS project in TERM STEM/FORECAST 2017

The event, organized by University of Minho (3B's) in Porto, on 17th November, had an important number of attendees and interesting presentations of speakers in the field of OC tissue engineering. Thanks to our colleagues in 3B's, in particular Rui Reis and Miguel Oliveira, for hosting this event.

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BAMOS presentation at British Orthopaedic Research Society 2017



The results of the work carried out during the first secondment of the Project BAMOS were presented in the BORS annual meeting in London (September 2017). This work was a collaborative action between UCL and ULPGC and the presentation was made by María Elena Alemán, from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University. The booklet of abstracts can be downloaded in the following link