Symposium of BAMOS project in the context of TERM STEM19

Wonderful symposium of BAMOS project during the TERM STEM19 Congress, held in Braga (Portugal) on November 6th 2020. Thanks to our friends of 3B's for hosting this event.



2nd International Conference on Biomaterials, Bio-Design and Manufacturing (BDMC 2019)


We courteously invite you to participate in the Bio-Design and Manufacturing & Biomaterials International Conference, which will be held on September 4-6 in Tianjin, China. The conference is organized by Zhejiang University and Tianjin University, and will be supported by the Journal of Bio-Design and Manufacturing.

During the conference, part of the work developed in BAMOS will be presented, and a symposium of the project will be held as an event scheduled in BDSM 2019.

For additional information, please visit the websites of Bio-Design and Manufacturing and the BDMC 2019.

The second newsletter of BAMOS project is now available

ilovepdf com









Now you can download the brochure of BAMOS project's Summer school on additive manufacturing 












BDMC2018 Call for abstracts

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Deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2018.

We look forward to seeing you in Hangzhou in August!

